The achievements of the traditional systems and therapies in place are comparable to cutting down the weeds in a garden; however with regression therapy to past lives, we are able to pull the weeds out from the root and replace them with something more positive and useful. In the process we rewrite the present, the future, and the life setting of an individual. It is like changing the lenses through which one sees reality, amplifying one’s horizon.

With this technique we could see by firsthand experience that we are not anyone or anything’s “victims,” but that we choose the life we live. We take upon ourselves tests and lessons in order to evolve more, dissolve prejudices and beliefs, and to be more conscious of the potential and wisdom that we have been accumulating over time, during our present life and past lives.


Transformation, change, and growth is more a process of letting go of what we know and interpret from life.

                                                                –Michael Meir


When there is trauma or suffering in our life, a decision is made that in addition to accompanying us, alters the course of the rest of our lives.

This decision is called a fixed belief, which leads us to create a pattern of conduct and constitutes our Conduct or Behavior. Based on this fixed belief, we act and make decisions, and it is everything on which we build our relationships with others and with ourselves.
If we keep in mind that each belief or thought affects our nervous regulators, transforming itself into a chemical and a nervous impulse that stimulates our organism, we will understand and realize how a conflict, illness, failure, or a disappointment is generated.

If we work on a harmful fixed belief we could prevent, detain, or revert an illness. A principle of physics explains it as, “two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.” At the very moment that we discover the root of the problem utilizing the specified technique, we are able to eradicate it.  Now we’ve placed ourselves at the nucleus of the conflict and not in the peripheral and late consequences, which is where the majority of therapeutic methods focus on. By taking on a preventative approach, we identify the attitudes or conducts which will sooner or later lead us to undesirable results, (i.e. getting fired, bankruptcy, illnesses, separations,problems with children, financial failures, etc.)


If the regression is applied well, we get to the precise moment where the conflict or illness was generated (in this life) and we see what was the traumatic event that took place (months or years before) and what limiting thoughts or fixed beliefs we constructed out of it. In other words, we see what we were unable to resolve differently or what we were unable to communicate differently at the time, which resulted in an illness or conflict.

We highlight examples of what PITT therapy is most frequently recommended in, even as a preventative measure. Regression to past lives is a very specific area that covers preventative and therapeutic measures and it is used in the following situations:
a. When a belief or script is constantly repeated
b. When the same result is obtained before set situations, despite seeking a different result.
c. When something can’t be improved upon no matter how much is tried
d. In cases where a situation cannot be resolved in any other way after all the conventional and unconventional methods of therapy have been attempted

Many serious illnesses, including in children diagnosed with learning disabilities, could be reversed partially or completely. It could also be applied in much simpler and common situations such as phobias, chronic depressions, asthma, constant migraines, and other innumerable series of conditions that habitually require constant medication and could be avoided.

Awakening the Conscious

In general fixed beliefs form early on, since infancy. Although children are great observers, they are bad interpreters of events. Based on what they see they create beliefs that affect them the rest of their lives.

There are three basic results that come out of this:

1. Frustrated intentions
2. Unmet expectations
3. Failed communication

All of these generate hate, resentment, faulting others, feeling victimized, overly critical, and desires for vengeance. We take these three elements as the base of the exercise called “Exercise of the Truth.” We do it individually as well as in a group. During a seminar this exercise is implemented and obtains immediate success with whatever the participant decides to revert to at the moment.

When it comes to an exercise that calls for truth, it is observed in many cases that until the participants learn to replace the script and come out of the addiction of feeling like a victim, blaming others, resentment, anger, criticism, and putting oneself as the center of the universe, the resolution of the conflict or illness is not plentiful.

Due to this, it is imperative that not only this method be applied by experts, but it should also be applied in conjunction with complete and appropriate techniques for each case. A lot of experience is required to help revert a situation and not perpetuate it or get harmful results.

Let us remember one of the fundamentals of PITT. Another technique is regression to past lives, which is used when a pattern of conduct, belief, or script is constantly repeated, when the same result is obtained before a predetermined situation, or when something cannot be improved upon no matter how much one tries or how determined one is to achieve it. In other words, when a situation cannot be resolved in any other way. It is discovered  by means of regression to past lives through PITT that the vast majority of conflicts due to a fixed belief thought to be acquired by some conflict at infancy, were actually already present at the moment of birth. In other words, the conflict that took place that awakened this belief was just a reminder of a lesson or test that we dragged with us from other lives to resolve in this present life. This is why we liken regression to removing weeds from a garden, and not by mowing down the surface as it might be done with other techniques, but by pulling out the roots.

It must be emphasized that regression must be used very carefully, in indicated cases, and with very experienced professionals.

The method is fast, effective, and efficient. The patient blooms like a beautiful garden and the true essence is able to develop and bear fruit, feeling realized and productive, in participating in and living life to the fullest.

During a regression we might experience that we were different genders, social classes, religions, nationalities, professions, and personalities—sometimes good and sometimes bad. We also realize that we have a great deal of wisdom stored within us, but because it is locked up by conflicts that cannot left unresolved by conventional means, it cannot even come to the surface.

Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia relates 2,000 cases–all who received past-lives therapy–of which a small percentage were from western countries like Australia, Canada, the United States, and England.

Reincarnation is explained within an empirical context, not philosophical or theological. Evidence is derived following a specific method of investigation.

This method of investigation is paramount in giving absolute credibility to the method and to the possible evidence of reincarnation.

Dr. Stevenson examined 1,500 cases beginning in 1960, in which he would include interviews lead simultaneously by various top of the line investigators, recording what was said and when it was said, evaluating the credibility of the informants, repeating the interviews to corroborate consistency and other details, verifying data independently, and locating and copying all the pertinent documents (i.e. hospital medical records, post mortem examinations, etc.)

Stevenson was more interested in taking the methods of investigation more like a lawyer would in legal proceeding than a scientist in a laboratory.

As one might imagine, occurrences of reincarnation happen more in those cultures who believe in them for religious reasons.

We could explain many phenomenons through reincarnation, such as, for example, children who suffer from phobias, but who apparently have no reason for them. Some medical and sociological incidents could also be explained with reincarnation, such as criminality, schizophrenia, and causeless and unwarranted violence.  In the latter area the investigation is still in the beginning stages and requires more time and discussion.

They once asked Carl Jung if he believed in reincarnation and he answered, “I don’t believe in reincarnation, I know it exists.”

There are two extremely important elements that no reader or professional should overlook.
First of all, there is such a wealth of evidence at the global level and in renowned universities, that, like Dr. Stevenson said, it cannot be ignored but should be investigated, with all the seriousness that a recurrence deserves.

Second of all, the therapy in and of itself gives great results, beyond what could be verified or  whether or not one believes in reincarnation.This is reported by Dr. Stevenson and his whole team with whom I had the privilege of talking to and sharing with during conferences and had a fascinating exchange of information over a diversity of scientific findings.

In general fixed beliefs form early on, since infancy. Children are great observers but bad interpreters of events. Based on this they create beliefs that affect them the rest of their lives. There are three basic results that come out of this:

1. Frustrated intentions
2. Unmet expectations
3. Failed communication

All of these generate hate, resentment, faulting others, feeling victimized, overly critical, and desires for vengeance. We take these three elements as the base of the exercise called “Exercise of the Truth.” We do it individually as well as in a group. During a seminar this exercise is implemented and obtains immediate success with whatever the participant decides to revert to at the moment.

When it comes to an exercise that calls for truth, it is observed in many cases that until the participants learn to replace the script and come out of the addiction of feeling like a victim, blaming others, resentment, anger, criticism, and putting oneself as the center of the universe, the resolution of the conflict or illness is not plentiful.

Due to this, it is imperative that not only this method be applied by experts, but it should also be applied in conjunction with complete and appropriate techniques for each case. A lot of experience is required to help revert a situation and not perpetuate it or get harmful results.

Let us remember one of the fundamentals of PITT. Another technique is regression to past lives, which is used when a pattern of conduct, belief, or script is constantly repeated, when the same result is obtained before a predetermined situation, or when something cannot be improved upon no matter how much one tries or how determined one is to achieve it. In other words, when a situation cannot be resolved in any other way. It is discovered  by means of regression to past lives through PITT that the vast majority of conflicts due to a fixed belief thought to be acquired by some conflict at infancy, were actually already present at the moment of birth. In other words, the conflict that took place that awakened this belief was just a reminder of a lesson or test that we dragged with us from other lives to resolve in this present life.

This is why we liken regression to removing weeds from a garden, and not by mowing down the surface as it might be done with other techniques, but by pulling out the roots.

It must be emphasized that regression must be used very carefully, in indicated cases, and with very experienced professionals.

The method is fast, effective, and efficient. The patient blooms like a beautiful garden and the true essence is able to develop and bear fruit, feeling realized and productive, in participating in and living life to the fullest.

During a regression we might experience that we were different genders, social classes, religions, nationalities, professions, and personalities—sometimes good and sometimes bad. We also realize that we have a great deal of wisdom stored within us, but because it is locked up by conflicts that cannot left unresolved by conventional means, it cannot even come to the surface.

–Dr. Michael Meir

Beliefs could change. I choose to change them. To love and forgive… is just a choice.”

             Rivka Bertisch Meir, Ph.D.

The Seminar “Recreating Your Life” is made up of a collection of 250 very well-structured psychological and educational techniques that are applied in a short period of time and produce fast, lasting, and efficient results. It is a synthesis of proven techniques utilized in the most advanced countries of the world to produce fast and enduring changes. It has nothing to do with “understanding” but everything to do with “realizing.” This realization creates a great aperture that leads to an increase in creativity and an increase in the options that each individual has within his or her reach, empowering one to change a business, a family, or a whole society.

Each participant in the seminar acts like a catalyst for the rest of the participants, accelerating the “realization” and the transformation, thus, creating a chain reaction that reaches all those present.

This is a clear example of how one’s aperture and attitude influences others, because the seminar is representative of a population of any society.

When I began my current practice during my studies in the University of Hawaii, I worried about how to help more people in less time with reduced cost, until I found a formula that I developed and have perfected to this day. I observed the following phenomenons in our society.Any specialist like me could efficiently care for two groups a day of no more than 20 people, or do a maximum of 8 individual sessions a day lucidly.

Unless we were to understand that not everyone needs these methods, there would never be enough time or professionals to meet everyone’s needs.

On the other hand, I know that what the world needs is not just an analysis of the past, but a call to action and permission to be the director and architect of their own future the very moment the decision is made.

The help supplied by conventional psychoanalysis is done by re-experiencing the incidents and upsetting events over and over again with the purpose of liberating oneself from them.

By opting for someone to relive a traumatic event or drama over again, one is submitting them to yet another painful experience that could once again traumatize or paralyze them. Repeating these conditions stops them from producing new behaviors or conduct with the full power of their strength and capability.

It is proven that in many cases it actually reinforces negative psychological habits.In my opinion this way is poorly effective, prolonged and costly, unless they are combined with other methods that together serve as a catalyst.

The more an event is repeated, the higher the tendency to repeat it. Maybe that is why conventional therapies take so long in obtaining any results.

Conventional therapy does produce results, but these results could be obtained with less pain and suffering for the patient, in less time, and with a lower cost.

–Excerpt from the book Recreating Your Life by Rivka Meir, Ph.D, M.D.H, and Michael Meir, M.D.

Paradigm is a structure of thought related to a belief that we have and that we don’t dare question, not even plant a seed of doubt, like what water is to fish or the fact that fire burns.

It is a new way to think about old problems.

The change of paradigm, the way an individual experiences it, could be compared to discovering the hidden image that appears in many psychology magazines, where at first there is just an image of an elderly woman, but, if we look carefully or differently, the woman transforms into a very young woman.

In children’s magazines or psychology magazines one looks at a drawing that looks like a tree and a tank of water. Upon taking a closer look and trying to find something more, even though one might not have a reason for looking, suddenly we see other objects camouflaged in the scenery–the branches turn into fish or a rake, the lines of the tank transform into a toothbrush. Nobody could make us see the hidden images by telling us. Nobody could persuade us of their existence: either we see it or we don’t. But once we see it, they’re always there to see every time we look at the picture. And from then on, we ask ourselves, “how is it that I never saw that before?”An irruption of this new paradigm makes us feel humble and invigorated.

It’s not so much that we were wrong before, but more that we were being partial, as if we were just seeing with one eye. It doesn’t provide more knowledge, but just a new way of seeing and knowing.

We believe in the liberty of individuals and of professionals who can go through their lives like a limitless adventure. We invite them to unite with us in this exploratory trip that departs from any place and has the limitless as a goal.

In 1962, Thomas S. Kuhn published in the book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, where he suggests how changes are given, to what they are owed, how long they take in being accepted by people en masse, why it takes to long, and how they are given all at once, like a new way of seeing something already in existence and deeply rooted.

Einstein’s theory of relativity created a new paradigm that improved upon Newton’s physics theory, completing and resolving many of the collateral phenomenons that were inexplainable before.

The new paradigm grasps a principle that was always present but that was unknown to us, helping the same things work in a different way. We were just unaware that they existed.

The problem is that one cannot embrace the new paradigm until one lets go of the old paradigm. It cannot be a gradual change. It must be all in one shot.

The new paradigm is suddenly realizing…

New paradigms introduced by their discoverers are generally received coldly, with hostility, with sarcasm, and many times are attacked by their contemporaries, especially in the beginning because they could not put all their scientific explanations in order the way it was well explained and organized previously. Just remember what happened with Copernicus, Galileo, Pasteur, Mesmer, Freud, Werner Erhard, Simonton, Bernie Siegel, Norman Cousin, etc.

The new paradigm requires such a change that the majority of conventional scientists or classicists rarely accept them. Those who worked hard on and support the prior position are emotionally attached to the old paradigm and like Thomas Kuhn says, “they go to their graves without being moved or changed.”
Even though they are confronted with blunt evidence, they slow down and in some cases block evolution, unless the majority of people confront the paradigm scientifically and accept the change.
When a set number of people accept a new idea, the new paradigm is massively accepted. It is incorporated into the unconscious collective.

Many versions of synergy exist, especially in societies that have not incorporated them yet, believing that all one needs to do is change the name of “teamwork” that we already know.

The reality is that in a world of constant transformation that continually adapts to changes in paradigm and that requires of them to keep evolving, synergy is as necessary as a new constellation combined with a union of powers and energies in order for them to reach their objective quickly, efficiently, and consistently.

When I speak of changes in paradigms, I’m no longer talking about Newton and Einstein, but of the existing communication in the world and the consciousness of inhabitants of this planet which together causes the population as a whole to move together and evolve. Together towards other levels in the area of human tasks.

For example, the phenomenons of Russia and the Berlin Wall were not a product of politics but the intention of millions of people who both up close and at a distance exercised their influence because they were the ones who saw the needs and objectives en masse. In other words they formed a mass critic, which is the indispensable number necessary for a paradigm change and produce the change that is always sudden, in one shot, and not gradual. This is clearly an example at the macrocosmic level.

Now we will talk about the microcosms that could be a family, a business, a hospital, or an office.

The synergy is based on the premise that when two or more people support a determined task and follow a rational sequence of activities in the negotiation or resolution of a problem, the results are greater than the sum of individual resources.

As you might appreciate, we are all a part and a result of a push towards transformation in the area that is of interest to us and that we cover. We experience an internal and external self push to self-expand and to open ourselves to new ideas and focuses. In other words, we are part of a new paradigm.

Paradigm: by changing and opening up we accelerate the process of change, creating the number necessary for critical mass, and a new paradigm appears at one shot before our eyes and reality.

Synergy: the achievement obtained uniting the ideas, the projects, the creativity, and the feelings of a whole group over a common objective, avoiding rivalries and individual meanness for one ideology and one goal.

It’s clear that there are times where we don’t always obtain the result we would expect, since the prognosis of an illness in two different patients does not have the same result. One patient could be cured and another could stay the same or gets worse and dies. Is this due to the genius of the illness? Or is it the result of what we should be doing and are not? Do we not want to take conscious of where this is taking us and not change?

To ignore the new paradigm makes us stuck in old structures that neither make sense or give results and yet are still in force and cause damage, even provoking suffering and death.

In order to resist change we will be “right” until we die of it, and I mean that literally, whether it be in health, creativity, making money, or enjoying what we have.

The conflict or illness are an indicator, a signal or calling to remember what we should change.

For years in other countries it’s been common knowledge that illnesses don’t catch us, they don’t come to us. We not only call upon them but we cultivate them day by day.

It’s like watering a plant. Think of this for a moment. How many of you know that you need to change something because if you continue this way, you know something will happen to you?

This same attitude towards yourselves you use with all the people around you, whether they be patients, collaborators, family members, or any human being that crosses your path.

How much more will we wait on ourselves and continue making ourselves sicker, and make others sick with our stubborn attitude, without wanting to give the first step?

The time has come to connect body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Of humanizing ourselves with our own selves and in our professions to be and do everything that we are truly capable of doing and being.

–Fragment of the discourse presented by Dr. Rivka Bertisch Meir in the symposium, “The New Paradigm of Health: Advanced synergistic techniques.” Buenos Aires. September 1992.

A journey of 1,000 leagues begins with just one step–and you could take that step today in any area you choose.

The phenomenon of the actions generated by our attitudes and thoughts could be compared to Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Einstein’s formula is E=MC2

Every piece of matter, as everyone acknowledges, has energy and it was discovered that not only does matter have an incredible content of energy but that it also generates enough energy to build or destroy the world.

This energy behaves in an intelligent way, in synchrony, coherence, and equilibrium with other energies.

If we accept that thoughts, like matter, have their own energy, we’d then definitely acknowledge that each thought or attitude also generates so much energy that in a diversity of ways they modify the way we function at the cellular level.

By this mechanism it is no wonder that we end up modifying our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even our genetic code, and thus our environment, and consequently the world.

Keeping in mind the principle that we mentioned, and the physics principle that postulates, “like attracts like,” and, “two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time,” synchrony, coherence, and equilibrium also manifest themselves in our body, emotions, minds, and the results we get from what we do–whether it’s in our interpersonal relationships, our business, our immune system, etc.

What we don’t like, such as illness, transforms into an indicator of what we should change in ourselves.

The concept of criticism is nothing more than the mirror in which we see our own reality: we see only what we have as positive or negative concepts of ourselves. They are literally the glasses through which we observe reality.

We are part of the Universe, so we could better understand our placement in it. We take up a specific space in the Universe in order to transform it and reform it. Doing nothing about a situation compresses us and affects us, and equally affects our environments, by not permitting the expansion and evolution that should be occurring naturally.

The expansion will take place regardless, and if we don’t make it a voluntary choice, it will take place through illnesses, dramas or catastrophes –in other words, not by choice.