
When people are trapped in a series of repetitive situations and are unhappy, they are generally responding to traumas that began before this present life. Ancient experiences impressed in their consciousness at physical or cellular level tend to reappear if they are not resolved or healed.

We work with “cellular memory,” acquired in this life or transmitted genetically, to obtain freedom from traumatic experiences, especially past lives, and to leave behind negative patterns of behavior. By doing so, a person would be free to achieve their objectives, heal their relationships, free themselves from negativity and auto-limiting beliefs, and find inner peace.

This powerful therapy functions even if the participant doesn’t believe in reincarnation. We demonstrate that by rebuilding and rewriting the past, people could change the present. It’s like erasing a file and replacing by another in a computer.


For past life regression, unlike others, PITT does not use hypnosis as a regression tool.

The physical act of releasing a painful life experience through action alters the cellular structure and the traumatic memories recorded in the cells. We use displacement and movement to stimulate and release cellular memories.

People remain conscious and awake throughout the whole process. Every exercise is preceded by a didactic presentation and followed by a discussion and a processing period. PITT unifies the mind, body, and spirit in a process of growth and healing.

Step by Step

We explain the concept of cellular memory and regression to past lives as a basic part of PITT. The participants share in mini-exercises designed to practice active meditation with movement. They learn to differentiate between authentic memory and fantasy or imagination.

We help them find the common denominator of problems that are seemingly different or unrelated in their lives. We also ask them to identify areas in their lives where they are “trapped” and dysfunctional, to identify repetitive and destructive patterns of life, and to make a mindful decision to work in those areas.

Participants dramatize two joint courses in life, freeing the painful and traumatized memory at the cellular level in the body.

This is like erasing the disk in a computer in order to make room for new material: the negative memories are erased and could be substituted with positive and functional memories.

Once the painful past has been altered at the cellular level, the circumstances of the present day are changed and it’s possible that the dysfunctional patterns will not be repeated anymore.

Point in Time Therapy™ - Are you willing to solve your recurring problems?

“Point in Time Therapy™” is recommended for people who are willing to change:

1. Recurring illnesses
2. Inability to do well in business
3. Conflicts and separations
4. Repetitive separations at work and in relationships
5. Financial fraud or loss of money
6. Inabilities to learn new languages or difficulty learning
7. Eliminate repetitive behavioral patterns at their origin, thus changing the past, present and future
Point in Time Therapy™: Back to the Future

Could we go back in time to change our future?

Could this help change our family and the people who surround us?

Could one travel in time to correct and reverse current problems?

Is it possible that we may have lived other lives before this? That everything we do is recorded in our cells as if we were a bio-computer?

Is it possible for us in our current lives to unknowingly react to traumas and problems left unresolved in past lives?

Is it possible that present symptoms and conflicts could disappear and be resolved when we use the therapy (PITT) to unblock a previous event in your past or present life?

Is it possible that because of having experienced past events again, our family members and people who surround us could also change, even without sharing this information with them?

• How many of you have recurring or repetitive dreams?

• How many of you felt familiar with a place that you have never visited before, or have seen or known someone and felt as if you have known him or her your whole life; or you felt an instant attraction or rejection towards someone you have just met? This is what past lives is about!

• Have you ever pick up familiar smells that brought back sensations and feelings that you had not felt in a long time?

• How many of you have felt completely familiar with certain things that you had never learned before? This is what past lives is about!

• How many of you have a deep love for your child, husband, brother, or father, and yet, there is a great feeling of rejection towards them?

With PITT™ you could return to face the situation again and resolve problems quickly and almost miraculously.

Dr. Michael Meir explains the process

¿En qué consiste PITT™?

¿Funcionará para mí?

Potencial Humano


The possibility to develop the human potential is not for an elite, select, or privileged group of people; it is within everyone’s reach. It requires no more than your decision to change, to improve, to get in touch with yourself, to advance, and above all else, to develop and use your physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual abilities to the max. To develop the human potential is a level of evolution.

When we talk about the human potential we refer to all the resources that each of us have and that “we don’t realize” we really possess.

To develop the human potential means a change in paradigm, where we adopt other structures of thought, new attitudes, and begin to work synergistically with all our surroundings. It gives us power, liberty, and choice.


We live imprisoned within the guilt of the past and the fear of the future.

Our techniques are all about assisting you so that you could be who you really are and not what you think you are. We are referring to beliefs of oneself and of the world that surrounds us. The beliefs act like glasses through which we see reality. They are the ideas each of us makes or the meaning one gives to things.

You believe the world is like this and the majority of people must think like you, too. Everyone guides their lives operating under these beliefs that were created very early in life and are seemingly hypnotized by them, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This topic, which was the motivation of the thesis and doctoral discourse of Dr. Rivka, was published in her book by Self Mastery Systems International Inc. in 1984 in the United States under the title You Are

Your Own Best Counselor: The life pattern handbook.

These beliefs provoke feelings of hate, rage, resentment, limited competency, self-demanding perfectionism, feelings of superiority or inferiority, separation, negative habits, addictions, and illnesses.

These beliefs are also the cause of premature aging and have a bearing on our image and self-esteem.

Everything is so intimately related that it is paradoxically and almost amusingly that we expect to recover health and beauty with a simple application of creams or surgical procedures, or with just yoga or mental control, or by any other isolated means.

Pride and mental rigidity also produce tension and rigidity in our body, and vice versa, the rigidity of the body leads to mental rigidity.

Depression, hate, and resentment manifest themselves in our countenance, our health, our creativity, and the desire to enjoy what we have and what we could be.

Our techniques are the ideal field in which to initiate an internal transformation that answers the question of how to develop the human potential. This internal transformation will in turn be reflected in and backed up by one’s external appearance. They’re the runway for takeoff and the launch into action.


One of the principles that we uphold in our individual consultations or workshops is that of Win-Win.

This means that in order to win, no one needs to lose.

This is the first attitude to adopt in order to be conscious of ourselves and of our actions—for our actions affect our environment and can even get you wedged and in the way of success.

It is a form of justification to through life just waiting around for someone to lose in order to stay in the area of comfort without truly putting forth effort, nor changing, nor using all of the potential that we possess.

Another point to keep in mind is the concept of rectification. Instead of feeling bad because something didn’t go well, or “we messed up,” we simply “realize” that we’re going the wrong way and we rectify our conduct as many times necessary until we begin to get the desired or expected results.

This principle could be illustrated like the course of an airplane that takes off, for example, from New York to Miami. On route, there is wind and rain that take the plane off course. Now, the pilot could choose to feel bad, “guilty of an error,” or he or she could rectify the direction of the plan and keep doing so until arriving successfully in Miami.

In this case, as in life itself, the important thing is to have a clear goal or objective. Then you’ll know where you depart from, what route is the most appropriate, and how to adjust and readjust until you reach the desired objective. In this type of analysis “feeling bad” doesn’t exist if one does what’s best.

You judge if what you did and how you did it was or was not good not by what you think or have analyzed, but by the actual results obtained. For example, consider these results: you just got out of an interview. If you feel inspired and high energy, have no doubt that the results were good. If on the other hand, your energy is low or negative at the end of the interview, instead of feeling bad, note what needs to be rectified or adjusted in order to obtain better results.