We seek to allow and facilitate our clients unlimited improvement. We aspire to elevate our clients’ abilities, in a short amount of time, with practical and personalized solutions that eliminate the roots of their problems or repeated conflicts. Most of the time they were unsolvable after having attempted other methods.
Individual sessions, general workshops, and tailored workshops. Additionally, we will soon have available to professionals a complete program of university-level coaching to train professionals in our registered technique, “Point In Time Therapy” (PITT™). [Un punto en el tiempo].
We are one of the pioneer developmental coaching organizations in the U.S., at the personal and corporation level, with more than 30 years of experience working in multiple languages and cultures. We are also unique in our ability to serve the Spanish-speaking immigrant sector at the personal and corporate level, using real experiences from the countries of origin to facilitate the process adaptation and success.

Dr. Michael Meir, M.D.
Psychotherapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
Michael Meir is an innovative cardiologist, researcher, trainer and coach in human development with a prominent record in Argentina as well as the United States. He is an educator, psychotherapist and seminar leader.
Michael has been internationally recognized for his leadership role in human development. He integrated Rivka’s Method to detain, prevent and revert conflicts and illnesses.
Consultant and Psychotherapist over the phone (Tele-coaching and Tele-Psychotherapy). Former Dean of Health Sciences and Technologies at TCI College, New York He has been a key figure in the development of The R. Bertisch Institute.
He has served as Vice president and Senior Trainer for Synergistic International, Argentina; Professor at the School of Counselors of R. Bertisch Foundation, Trainer for the Foreign Ministry’s in Argentina. Michael has conducted Business Training Workshops for many Chambers of Commerce including the New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and many private and governmental organizations.
- Guest of Honor, Twenty Second Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research at Touro College College, NY.
- Benjamin B. Wolman Certificate of Recognition, The International Organization of the Study of Group Tensions, Psychology Department, Pace University.
- American Psychological Association – Division of International Psychology. Presidential Citation for Extraordinary Service as Chairperson of the International Liaison Committee.
- Crown of Aragon-Spain. “Antiguo Reino de la Corona de Aragon”-Honorary Member-Historic Institute.
- Cartier International Prize, Miami, Fla. Outstanding professional in Human Development and Community Service.
- San Martin Society – New York, U.N. (United Nations). Outstanding work in Community Service.

Dr. Rivka Bertisch Meir, Ph.D., M.P.H. [1941-2014]
Rivka Bertisch Meir was a world-renowned Licensed Mental Health Counselor, with degrees from the University of Hawaii and Saybrook Graduate School.
Chairperson, American Psychological Association, International Liaison International Psychology, Program Chairperson 2007, American Psychological Association, General Psychology Secretary elect, NYS Psychological Association, DOWI (Division of women’s issues). Rivka introduced “EST” (Erhard Seminar Training—Landmark Education) to Israel in the late 1970’s where she moved from Honolulu, HI.
Rivka Bertisch Meir was a powerful, inspirational mentor in human development, with an outstanding reputation on three continents. She was a cutting edge trainer and personal coach, as well as a committed and dedicated psychotherapist and coach. She pioneered in Tele-Coaching and Tele-Psychotherapy. Also served as a President and founded the R. Bertisch Foundation, and co-founded IRM Success, LLC. She was a Corporate Consultant for such major corporations and organizations as Hickam Air Force Base, McDonald’s, Queens Medical Center and Cynergy Data among others.
Over the course of her life Rivka worked extensively in counseling as well as in administration, including holding the position of Program Planner and Director of Maternal and Child Health Division at the Department of Public Health, Jerusalem, Israel where she co-directed the “Kidum Program” (for the advancement of the intelligence and parent-child relationships and success in school and adult life); Also, she served as a visiting Instructor at Hebrew University’s School of Social Work and as a researcher at the Hadassah Medical Center, School of Community Health. She also was a Visiting Scholar at the Rhine Parapsychology Research Center in Durham, North Carolina.
She conducted Business Training Workshops for many Chambers of Commerce including the New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and many private and governmental organizations. Rivka Bertisch Meir was included in the Dictionary of Psychology, written by Dr. Raymond Corsini, Ph.D. Most of all, Rivka loved to help people to get the most out of what they’ve got and to discover who they really are and what they are truly capable of achieving. Her charisma and passion for helping others was unlimited.
- Fellow, Eastern Psychological Association.
- Fellow, American Psychological Association – Division of International Psychology.
- Fellow, American Psychological Association – Division of Group Psychotherapy.
- Fellow, American Psychological Association – Division of General Psychology.
- American Psychological Association. Division of International Psychology. Recognition Award for Extraordinary Service in advancing psychology worldwide.
- PSI CHI, Fordham University Chapter. For advancing members’ knowledge and excellence 2009 in all fields, including psychology.
- Listed in the DICTIONARY of PSYCHOLOGY, by Dr. Raymond Corsini, Ph.D. “Fixed Beliefs – Life Patterns Counseling Theory”.
- Quoted in “COUNSELING WITH CORSINI”: Book, Author: Raymond Corsini, Ph.D.
- Eighteenth Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research at St Francis College, NY. Recognition for Scientific Research session presented.
- American Psychological Association. Division of International Psychology. Recognition Award for 2006 Extraordinary Service in advancing psychology worldwide.
- Presidential Citation for Extraordinary Service as Chairperson of the International Liaison 2005.
- Committee. American Psychological Association. Division of International Psychology.
- Benjamin B. Wolman Recognition New York State Psychological Association Division of 2005 Social Issues and Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pace University.
- Recognition for Valuable Contribution at “Behavioral Science and the Global Agenda” hosted 2005 at Fordham University. American Psychological Association Regional Group of the International Psychology Division.
- Inducted to Psi Chi. The National Honor Society in Psychology.
- NYSPA. (New York State Psychological Association). Media Ambassador San Martin Society New York, U.N. (United Nations). Outstanding work in Community Service.
- Cartier International Prize, Miami, Fl. Outstanding professional in Human Development and Community Service.
- Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
- Arthur Lyman Dean Prize, For Best Undergraduate Research in the Social Sciences. Univ. of Hawaii.
- Scholarship. United States Public Health Service. University of Hawaii, School of Public Health.

Point in Time Therapy (PITT)™
Michael Meir
“Ya eran parte de mí todas estas técnicas, en lo personal y profesional y si bien consideraba a la regresión con mucho respeto, no fue sino hasta el preciso instante de la primera regresión que me hizo Rivka, cuando esta terapia obtuvo su máximo esplendor. Me vi transportado a épocas y lugares que si bien jamás me hubiera imaginado que existían, en ese momento tuve la certeza de haber estado y me fueron totalmente familiares. Lo que más me maravilló, es que fui llevado por mi propia memoria, tal vez escondida dentro de mí, hasta otra vida, mi vida, en la que repetía u originaba el conflicto que en el presente debía resolver. Fue posible reescribirla, y a partir de ese instante, y como automáticamente, sabía qué era lo que debía modificar o rectificar para obtener el resultado que deseaba. Fue sin dolor, sin sufrimiento, rápida, eficiente e inolvidable. Mi vida dio un vuelco notable especialmente con mi pareja, el trabajo y mi relación con mis hijas”.
Rivka Bertisch Meir
“Cuando comencé a trabajar en regresión a vidas pasadas, por supuesto inicié una larga serie en mí misma. Pude revertir algunas situaciones familiares y otras las pude prevenir antes de que ocurriesen. Vi por qué pasaban las situaciones que pasaban con mis padres y cómo provenían de otras vidas, y cómo reescribir el libreto para lograr otros resultados más placenteros y de mayor unión. La misma experiencia la tuve con mi hijo Ariel, y hemos podido revertir exitosamente los problemas que tuvimos en otras vidas, y en el momento que comienzan a perfilarse, lo cambiamos rápidamente. Pudimos vernos los dos en otros tiempos y los diferentes vínculos que tuvimos. Con esta técnica, como todas las otras que utilizo, que son de aplicación rápida, y también de rápida resolución, se arriba a resultados eficaces en menor tiempo”.